We hope you found your time with us both enjoyable and educational. At UQSchoolsNet, our goal is to host more workshops and seminars to support teachers seamlessly integrate IT and computing into the Education Queensland curriculum, while ensuring the learning process is engaging and enjoyable. Below, you’ll find links to download the workshop materials for each session.

Day 01

Binary Coding

Presented by Dr Marie Boden

 Binary Coding Bracelets (PDF)


Break the Code - Cryptography

Presented by Dr Marie Boden

 Break the Code - Cryptography (PDF)

 Break the Code - Worksheets (PDF)

 Break the Code - Cryptography Quotes (PDF)

 Caesar Cipher Wheel (PDF)


Capture the Flag

Presented by Dr Marie Boden

 Capture the Flag (PDF)

 Pecan Plus CTF Answers (PDF)

 Saburra Answers (PDF)


Cyber Security Fundamentals

Presented by Dr Mark Carey-Smith

 Cyber Security Fundamentals (PDF)

 Action Items (PDF)


Design Thinking and Wicked Problems

Presented by Dr Marie Boden

 Codesign - Recycling (PDF)

 Speedy Design Thinking - Prototyping (PDF)


Day 02

Teachable Machine

Presented by Ms Susan Beetson

 Teachable Machine (The workshop materials will be available once the presenter provides them)


Language and Artificial Intelligence

Presented by Dr Simone Smala

 Language and Artificial Intelligence (PDF)


Demystifying AI

Presented by Professor Tim Miller

 Demystifying AI (PDF)


AI in the Classroom Presentation

Presented by Mr Scott Letts

 Accelerating Digital Potential (PDF)