Tailor-made, collaboration-based solutions
We provide a unique understanding of the educational environment and the business challenges presented to education through ICT (Information and Communications Technology). You will be partnered with a dedicated business and technical manager who will guide you through the initial joining process and provide ongoing support and peace of mind. Your team will also have access to UQ’s extensive resources, in-depth knowledge and support. Our team is dedicated to your success.
All quotes and solutions are provided based on your specific school requirements, keeping scalability, future planning, and redundancy in mind. We aim to assess and understand the strategic ICT direction and goals a school is trying to achieve and offer appropriate solutions.
Products available to schools
To ensure we continue to deliver services to meet current and future requirements, UQ is committed to continually invest in improving our technology offering. Our network is specifically designed for capacity increases, and hardware is proactivity maintained to ensure high levels of resilience and reliability.
All incidents and requests to track and manage your support queries are recorded through UQ's ITS (Information Technology Services) Service Desk. Faults to network equipment and services are proactively monitored and each query or fault is assigned a single engineer for comprehensive ownership until resolution.
Policies and Service Level Agreements
Our SLA (PDF) provides schools with confidence and assurance in the services being provided.
UQSchoolsNet key advantages
Design and Technical Support: Our technical account manager and network engineering team will work with your IT team in the design of your network based on your needs and firewall setup, it is an added customised service tailored to the school’s needs and set up.
Private, dedicated, and secure links: All our links are exclusive and private, they are all Layer 2 (managed and secured), bandwidth is exclusive and not shared, with no congestion at any stage.
Monitoring Services: We have access to reports from 1 second to a full 12 months prior of the performance and consumption of each and every link.
Added Cybersecurity: The network has DDos Service Protection for every link (attached is further information on this service). Additionally, you will have access to alerts and assistance from our Cybersecurity Operations Centre, including patches and vulnerabilities.
Discounts for other products: We offer special pricing for AUSCERT membership, professional development courses and other services, this is exclusive to UQSchoolsNet clients.
High level hardware and technology: Our Router of choice, CISCO ASR920 is installed and will monitor activity and can produce reports of up to 12 months of activity. We also partner with fibre owners, that develop and carry the best technology in the market, and we have two datacentres on Campus with tri-diversity for redundancy connection.
Service Levels Agreement: Higher than the industry standards and followed without claim requirement.
Customer Service: There is 24/7 emergency on-call staff for any problems. We will also cover any suspect problems without charge, most other providers with require a fee for certain on-call requirements.
Collaboration services included: Unlimited number of IPs provided, offer of DNS services and other collaboration services. We partner with the schools for the betterment of the education sector.
Email us for more information about our services.