Unlock your creativity and be introduced to the concepts of Design Thinking to uncover innovative solutions to your schools most challenging classroom learning. This education course has been developed for educators and education leaders. It explores sustainable learning by bringing together the most up-to-date research from the University of Queensland and Industry partners. Design Thinking is a creative problem-solving technique that takes a human-centric approach to finding solutions. It is a popular procedure used by many industries and businesses (think Apple, Google and AirBnb to name a few). It's time to think outside the box and use your creativity.

What you will learn

This course will assist you in embedding critical and creative thinking in a disciplinary context, shifting the focus of education from the dissemination of accumulated knowledge to more autonomous and critically engaged learning with your students.

Explore the methodology and pedagogical approaches of design thinking, and its role in encouraging creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking among your students.

Develop a strategic innovation toolkit and learn when and how to apply design thinking and innovative problem-solving tools and exercises.

Analyse real-world case studies to gain insights into how design thinking has been successfully implemented in educational contexts.

Explore innovative ideation techniques using generative artificial intelligence to spark creativity and generate new ideas.

Engage in hands-on prototyping activities, including bodystorming and paper prototyping, to bring ideas to life and test their feasibility.

Apply design thinking principles and methods to your own teaching contexts.

Who will benefit

  • High school teachers and teaching assistants from all subject areas who are interested in integrating design thinking principles into their teaching practice.

You will receive a certificate of course completion, access to all tools, websites and software used during the PD for teachers and students in the Education QLD Curriculum, copy of teaching resources and ongoing educational support beyond the PD.

Register your interest to attend

Course outcome

By the end of the course, participants will have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to apply design thinking methodologies effectively in their classrooms. They will have developed prototypes and actionable strategies to enhance student engagement, problem-solving skills, and creativity across diverse subject areas.

Course details

Number of attendeesTotal of 30 participants
AgendaOne day course
ProgramCourse can be tailored to an individual schools' availability
  • $310.00 incl. GST per person
  • Group booking $2,700.00 incl. GST (minimum 10)
CateringMorning tea and lunch is provided
Offer for principalIf two teachers from a school sign up, the principal can attend for free. Please have the principal email UQSchoolsNet with the teachers’ names to confirm attendance
Topics covered
  • ICT
  • Using data
  • Teaching & learning strategies
Standards covered
  • Know the content and how to teach it
  • Engage in professional learning
  • Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Hours of CPD activity6 hours