Interested in learning Design Thinking at UQ? Discover endless learning possibilities of a Design Professional Development course at the Sustainable Learning through Design Thinking Day!

This course has been developed for educators and education leaders. It explores sustainable learning by bringing together the most up-to-date research from the University of Queensland and Industry partners. Design Thinking is a creative problem-solving technique that takes a human-centric approach to finding solutions. It is a popular procedure used by many industries and businesses (think Apple, Google and AirBnb to name a few). It's time to think outside the box and use your creativity! This course will assist you in embedding critical and creative thinking in a disciplinary context, shifting the focus of education from the dissemination of accumulated knowledge to more autonomous and critically engaged learning with your students.


9:00 am: Introduction to Design Thinking

We will meet at the University of Queensland in Collaborative Room (49-301) at the Advanced Engineering Building.

9:30 am: Hands-on Workshops

  • Ideation Methods - Unlock your creativity and be introduced to the concepts of Design Thinking and explore innovative ideation techniques using generative artificial intelligence to spark creativity and generate new ideas. Then put this new knowledge to the test by designing your own wearable technology.

10:30 am: Morning Tea

Enjoy morning tea in the atrium of the Advanced Engineering Building.

11:00 am: Hands-on Workshops

  • Teaching and Learning - Develop a strategic toolkit to apply design thinking prinicples and methods to your own teaching contexts.

12:00 pm: Lunch

Enjoy a delicious lunch at Lakeside Cafe near the UQ Lakes.

1:00 pm: Prototyping Session

Engage in hands-on prototyping activities, including bodystorming and paper prototyping, to bring ideas to life and test their feasibility.

2:00 pm: Research Discussion

Explore the role of design thinking in encouraging creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking among your students with UQ's user experience design professionals. Analyse real-world case studies to gain insights into how design thinking has been successfully implemented in educational contexts.


Registrations coming soon




About UQSchoolsNet Professional Development workshops

Discover the endless learning possibilities that only a UQSchoolsNet Professional Development workshop in technology can offer, in workshops led by world-class researchers at the University of Queensland.


The University of Queensland St Lucia campus

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