An engaging online webinar where we'll be discussing our new Maturity Assessment Package. We've received tremendous interest from schools to take advantage of this assessment. This Q&A session is specifically designed to address the questions we've received. Don't miss this unique opportunity to have your questions answered by our expert cyber security analyst from AUSCERT. Discover how UQSchoolsNet can aid you in uplifting your cyber security posture, with key next steps identified.

Who is this for

  • IT Managers
  • Principals
  • Business Managers

Learn more about our Maturity Assessment Package here!

Maturity Assessment




About UQSchoolsNet Professional Learning experiences

Fast track your industry knowledge with the latest academic research outcomes at our Professional Learning events, presented in partnership with AUSCERT and The University of Queensland School of Engineering and Computer Science. You can share these crucial cybersecurity and computer science findings with colleagues throughout your school.


Online via MS Teams

Other upcoming sessions