Three ways AI is changing the 2024 Olympics for athletes and fans

5 Aug 2024

The 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris are about to get a high-tech upgrade, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). From helping athletes train better to enhancing how we watch the games, AI is set to play a starring role this year.

1. Boosting Athlete Performance

AI is stepping up to help athletes hit new heights. Take Intel’s 3D Athlete Tracking (3DAT) technology, for example. This AI system tracks 21 points on an athlete's body to provide detailed insights into their movements. It's like having a super coach that never misses a beat. Coaches and athletes can use this data to fine-tune their techniques, optimize training, and even discover new ways to improve performance.

At the grassroots level, AI is making a splash too. The International Olympics Committee (IOC) ran a pilot program in Senegal using AI to identify young athletic talent. By analyzing simple drills like running and jumping, AI helped spot over 40 kids with Olympic potential. This kind of tech could level the playing field, giving more athletes from around the world a shot at the big time.

2. Smarter Refereeing

AI is also getting in on the action when it comes to refereeing. In sports like football, AI already assists with making tough calls by using data from cameras and sensors. But for other sports, like water polo, it's a bit more complicated. The chaotic underwater environment makes it tricky for AI to keep track.

Despite these challenges, the potential is huge. AI can provide referees with real-time data, helping them make more accurate decisions. Clear communication is key here – if AI can show teams and fans exactly how a decision was made, it's more likely to be accepted. It’s all about making the games fairer and more transparent.

3. Enhancing the Viewing Experience

For fans, AI promises to make watching the Olympics more exciting than ever. Broadcasters can now use AI to overlay real-time stats on the screen, showing things like acceleration, top speeds, and stride lengths. Remember the virtual world-record line that wowed viewers during the Sydney 2000 games? This is the next level.

But that's not all. AI can also create personalized highlights. Imagine being able to watch every three-point shot made by your favorite basketball team, all compiled by AI just for you. Intel’s Geti computer-vision AI platform is working on making this a reality. It’s about giving fans more control over what they see and making the viewing experience more interactive and engaging.

As the world tunes in to the Paris 2024 Olympics, AI will be working behind the scenes to make the games better for everyone. From helping athletes push their limits to giving fans more exciting and personalized content, AI is set to change the way we experience the Olympics. Get ready for a tech-infused celebration of sports like never before!


Read the full article at Nature
