"The Antarctica Experience" is a groundbreaking 360-degree Virtual Reality (VR) documentary that captures the awe, fascination, and mystery of the icy continent. Filmed at Australia’s Davis research station by White Spark Pictures in February, the documentary offers a unique perspective by allowing viewers to immerse themselves in a 3-D Antarctic world through VR headsets. The film takes audiences on a journey, flying over the majestic Sørsdal Glacier in a helicopter and navigating through icebergs aboard a zodiac, ultimately reaching an Adélie penguin colony.
Davis Station Leader and Operations Manager, Robb Clifton, expressed that the VR experience provides a glimpse into the daily life of those working in the Australian Antarctic Program, showcasing encounters with elephant seals and penguins. The documentary also features scientists explaining their research on Antarctica's ice, oceans, and ecosystems, contributing to a better understanding of past climates and potential future scenarios.
Produced and directed by Briege Whitehead and BAFTA award-winning Director Phil Harper, the film is a collaboration with the Australian Antarctic Media Program. It will have its world premiere at the WA Maritime Museum in Fremantle, offering viewers a rare opportunity to virtually visit one of the planet's most extraordinary places.