Event description

The University of Queensland invites you to attend an informative seminar focused on Cyber Risk Management and its implications for educational institutions. Hosted by UQSchoolsNet at the UQ Brisbane City campus, this engaging session aims to inform attendees about the financial implications associated with cybersecurity risks and to empower educational institutions to effectively mitigate these risks within their unique school environment. Understanding these critical aspects is essential to safeguarding your students, staff, and reputation.

This seminar is specifically designed to address the recent increase in cyber-attacks that have happened in Australia and how to keep your school safe from financial and reputational attacks.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from our experts, who will discuss the importance of understanding the financial ramifications when lacking a solid cyber defense strategy. Learn how to navigate both financial and reputational risks effectively. This invitation allows two members from your school to attend.

Light refreshments will be served after the event.


308 Queen Street. Brisbane. UQ Brisbane City campus

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