We hope you found your time with us both enjoyable and educational. At UQSchoolsNet, our goal is to host more workshops and seminars to support teachers seamlessly integrate IT and computing into the Education Queensland curriculum, while ensuring the learning process is engaging and enjoyable. Below, you’ll find links to download the workshop materials for each session.

Keynote Address

Presented by Professor Greg Hainge

 Reclaiming the humanities in an era of Generative AI (PDF)


Unlocking Gen AI for Teachers: Your Personal AI Assistant

Presented by Dr Simone Smala

 Unlocking Gen AI for Teachers: Your Personal AI Assistant (PDF)


Teaching with Text Generators

Presented by Dr Leah Henrickson

 Teaching with Text Generators (PDF)


Lunch & Learn

Presented by Susan Brooks

 Department of Education International Global Engagement (PDF)


Oh, the Humanities!

Presented by Professor Kim Wilkins

 Oh, the Humanities! (PDF)


Composing Careers in Education

Presented by Associate Professor Julie Ballantyne

 Composing Careers in Education (PDF)


Employability in Humanities and the Arts

Presented by Dr Angie Knaggs

 Employability & HASS (PDF)


Additional Reading

 Deloitte Insights. The path to prosperity: Why the future of work is human (PDF)

 World Economic Forum: Future of Jobs Report 2025 (PDF)